Saturday, January 5, 2008

I sign up

I am in the Red Light District, behind a glass door.

Apparently they don't like my name, this is from their email:

"FUK Blog" has been accepted. (Your blog is still subject to review for appropriateness.)

How many times I must say it FUK=Fashion UK (online fashion magazine)

FUKers =Fashion UK Shoppers(online fashion magazine shoppers)

Here is my page

FUKbloggers Unite

This blog doesn't contain any vulgar words.

What happens if I am Swedish, where that "awful" word means a box or compartment, for example a letterbox for internal mail.

What then, will I be banned? For speaking my own language.

Anyway here is my BUMPzee profile:

"I don't make money from blogging, the majority of bloggers don't make money from blogging.

Come and learn how to make millions of dollars from blogging I know.

I made 15 dollars.
Learn to make billions of dollars from blogging"

About my blog:

"Learn to make billions of dollars. What are you waiting for.

Come and have an amazing time, take a chance. Life is short Live Life to the Full.

Sign this million dollar contract."

For those that don't understand this blog, this is a lampoon a harsh satire( trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly).

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