If you drop your card on other blogs, the card will not appear on their widget or website. To see your card on other blogs and websites you must click advertise, you must have enough credits to pay and the owner must approve your blog.
You have two credits when you start, I now have three credits.
One important thing: You can send your credits to anyone.
I smell money
You can sell your credits for money, if you have credits and don't know what to do with them, you can sell the credits. Some offer credits in exchange for blog templates, gift certificates and many more.
100 credits worth around $1.
1,000 credits worth around $10.
100,000 credits worth around $1,000.
10,000,000 credits worth around $100,000.
100,000,000 credits worth around $1,000,000.
You can sell your credits through PayPal, you receive money and send them the credits. Here you must be careful; you may send the money and not receive the credits.
Entrecard will try to stop this, they will stop a few but not all. Here Entrecard can make money by allowing others to buy credits from them directly; I don't know if they really want to turn this in to a real advertising network.
The other option is to be the middleman, and this way they will make the selling of credits more secure and take a small fee from the transaction. This is a win-win situation, and every one is happy.
The price of Entrecard Credits will drop, because soon every one will know that here they can make money and on the internet will be more credits for sell. When this happens Entrecard will make it harder for you to make credits.
Graham Langdon will make another million soon. If he makes $1 million I will make $10 million.
But I don't have any idea how to do this.
Drop your card for two credits.
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