Wikia Search is a future open source search engine.
At this moment this website is junk, if you search google first result is the google.com, the second result is a website that is for sell but has a page that redirects to google.com, the third result is a webpage that has nothing to do with google, and there are two results “google.it” and “ww.google.it”.
Because it’s a new search engine the quality of the search results are low, this website was launched a month ago, they expected to improve the quality of the results and this never happened or at least they didn’t do any big improvement.
The only thing that users can do is to create their own profile and to “help with the miniarticles”, miniarticles appear at the top of search terms, these articles can contain short definitions, disambiguation’s and photos.
You can create miniarticles for search terms that don’t have them or for those that have you can edit them. But there is a problem:
“Miniarticles are for helping people. Not for spam or personal blogs. Please add only the canonical site(s) for this topic.
Do not spam. If you spam you will be blocked and your website blacklisted.
For a long time. You will be sad.
Do not spam. We do not want you to be sad. :-) Do something useful. You will be happy.
(To be safe please do not add links to websites :-)”
Canonical site “A canonical site is a website which contains extensive authoritative information about a subject. Generally, extensive links to external sites are discouraged in mini articles; however, links to canonical sites are appropriate.”
At first they are saying help us, then don’t do anything or you will get banned, then again they want your help but you shouldn’t do too much.
You can create a miniarticle for your blog if it isn’t a personal blog. I have created a miniarticle for my blog because this isn’t personal blog, by creating that miniarticle I am helping the people that are searching my blog and can’t find it, I provided information about my blog and a link to the blog. My blog is a canonical site because I am the only one that provides information about this subject.
So if want to write a miniarticle be careful, and anyway what you write in the miniarticles doesn’t help the search engine.
Another feature that this search engine has is a star rating system at this moment it doesn’t work, is only for show.
The only thing that you can do with this website is to harm others, by creating miniarticles with spam you can get the competitors website banned, when the star rating will work a large group of users could influence the search results for a search term in a majors way, they will rate with one star the most relevant website and will rate with five stars the most irrelevant website, something like a google bomb. The miniarticles will be used to discredited website, services and not only.
Another inevitable thing that will happen is miniarticle spamming, they can’t stop people from spamming because people are allowed to edit the articles, and because they can spam people will do it. Who will verify millions of miniarticles? The users but not many will do it, who will take the time to edit every single one.
A search engine is more dynamical that an encyclopedia and because users can interfere this search engine is a magnet for spam.