Sunday, March 23, 2008

Buy or Sell Books at

BookHabit is a site where writes can upload their books and sell them. At BookHabit you can find unpublished books of fiction and non-fiction, scripts and plays.

The starting price for a book is $2.50 and increases if a book becomes popular. Writes pay nothing to add their books, and they will receive 40% of the sale price. The books can read on computer, mobile phone, PDA, or e-reader.

At BookHabit you can find unknown authors or books that are not published or promoted by mainstream publishing companies. You can even upload your own books and when you have reached the minimum windrow limit of $50 after 45 books sold you can receive the money through PayPal.

This is nice website but it doesn’t have many visitors and buyers, so even if you write a good book you won’t get any money out of them very soon.

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