Sunday, February 3, 2008

I Moved to


As you can see I moved from to Wordpress, that’s why I didn’t write any post in the last four days, I was busy making a template and finding plugins.


Making the template tacked time, because I didn’t made just one in building process I made several templates, which lead to creation of this template. I still have to make some small and maybe some big changes but you will find me at this address In the near future more this will happen around here so come again.


 I had a hard time deciding which blogging platform to choose Wordpress or Blogger, you can use on your own domain but this isn’t a good platform, because you don’t have the same options like on a subdomain at, if you have something to add in your sidebar you have to add directly in your template and republish the entire blog. The benefit is that you don’t use as much bandwidth; just uploads the html files, you don’t need a database.


I hope you like the new look of my blog.

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